Yatina is an Aymara word for “knowledge" or "wisdom”, and that’s best describing the purpose of our company and projects. Generating knowledge with the help of technology about our nature and eco-systems, but without impacting the nature is what we aim to achieve with our projects.
The Aymara language https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aymara_language is still spoken today, and is heritage of an ancient Andean civilization, having gone thru many turbulences of history.
Our civilization is now embrazing green energy in order to reduce dependency on fossils and strive for achieving sustainable energy production methods alongside needed energy efficiency improvements. Windfarms, photovoltaic plants and thelike innovative regenerative energy production methods are promising technologies, but also face challenges. The co-existence with nature to generate green energy requires special designs to properly embed the technology into the ecosystems, such to detect, measure and understand such to support planning.
Yatina aims to deliver ecosystem research projects, which deliver smart and non-intrusive measurements of eco-system parameters, usually generate by cameras and artificial intelligence algorithms, sound statistics and support of experiments on impacts and side-effects of methods to avoid or reduce environmental impacts.
Yatina’s founder is Dr. Thomas Schweeger, Austrian and Chilean National, who has majored in IT, market research, statistics, at the Universities of Vienna/Austria, New York University and the Erasmus Universiteit of Rotterdam. Thomas has managed projects and business in the world of high-tech and mobile networks at several multinational corporations from around the world for more than 25 years. Between the large network and complex IT projects, the creation of the “5G bee-o-meter” showcase sticked out as a project designed to measure the departures and returns of bees to a hive, in order to gather data on the biological quality of the 3~5 km environment surrounding the hive. Yatina is about continuing this path to contribute to a better tomorrow.
Projects may include use-case specific cameras or sensors, offline/online micro networks, labeling and AI tools.
Observed data can be provided raw or processed in the form of pure data or written reports in English, German or Spanish.
Collaboration with partners, local comunities, ecologists, and scientists is much appreciated, and is represented by the .net in the logo. Generating knowledge is multi-disciplinary work in teams.
The Bee-o- Meter prototype project earned a number of awards in Austria, amongst them
1) the Republic of Austria National Nomination for Consulting
2) the Austrian World Summit Award (WSA) in the category Environment and Green Energy
3) Search for press coverage here